About Sexy Beast

Sexy Beast™ was created by beauty industry exec, Renee Ryan. A devoted dog lover and owner, Renee researched the pet market in-depth and learned that it was undergoing a radical growth spurt and although there were many luxury offerings for pets in terms of clothing and accessories, there was nothing comparable in the grooming category. She also learned that there were no regulations put in place as it relates to pet products, ingredients and labeling.
In crafting the Sexy Beast™ brand, our goal was to create the first true line of pet hair care products, made especially for dogs, but with the same high standards that our customer would expect from the products they use themselves. Sexy Beast™ is the first and the only pet brand to comply with the FDA regulations used by the cosmetics industry in terms of labeling and safety and claims testing. Our goal was to raise the bar in a $60 billion a year industry that is completely devoid of any guidelines or regulations for what goes into pet food, pet toys and pet products. Our dogs are like our children. They are members of our families, with us in our homes, at work and at play. It’s about time brands take responsibility for what they put out into the marketplace.
Integrating pet grooming, hair care and fragrance, the Sexy Beast™ brand has raised the bar in the pet industry by introducing chemical and paraben-free products that are hypo-allergenic, “100% vegan, 100% safe and 100% sexy™” – for all dogs. The inspiration? Renée noticed that her white boxer Austin, while always a dapper dog, needed freshening between grooming visits. After a fruitless search for the perfect “in between” grooming products to rid his coat of smells as well as care for it, Renée decided to create her own line. She teamed up with several beauty industry all-stars including a former Kiehl’s chemist to develop Sexy Beast’s plant and mineral-based styling system and Signature Fragrance packaged in a sleek, iconic bottle created by industrial designer Karim Rashid.